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To Your Dreams

Luxe Grounding Sheet & Pillowcases

Luxe Grounding Sheet & Pillowcases

Embrace the earth's natural healing power.

Our Luxe Grounding Sheet & Pillowcases are your gateway to deeper sleep, reduced stress, and a renewed sense of well-being, connecting you to the calming energy of the planet and transforming your sleep sanctuary into a haven of grounded peace.


Drifting off to a slumber like never before, the conductive fabric gently grounding your body, neutralizing positive ions, and promoting relaxation from the inside out.

Waking up feeling refreshed and revitalized, your nervous system soothed and stress hormones balanced thanks to the earthing's natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Saying goodbye to tossing and turning, the soft, breathable fabric of our sheet and pillowcases cocooning you in comfort, while the grounding effect calms your mind and promotes deeper sleep cycles.
Creating a holistic wellness ritual in your bedroom, the earthing connection complementing your existing sleep practices and enhancing your overall well-being.
Investing in a sustainable, high-quality product crafted with care for both your health and the planet.

    This isn't just bedding; it's a journey to a more grounded, peaceful you. Our Luxe Grounding Sheet & Pillowcases are the perfect companions for anyone seeking improved sleep, stress relief, and a deeper connection to nature.

    Ready to unlock the transformative power of earthing?

    Included items: 1* Fitted sheet, 2* Pillow cases, 2* Grounding cord ( or plugs as your choose), 1* Conductive Tester

    Regular price $95.99
    Regular price $105.99 Sale price $95.99
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